Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New Blog

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jenna and Michael

Kristen, from Kristen Grinnell Photography, a very dear friend of mine asked me a couple of months ago if I would shoot with her while she was shooting a wedding in town. I said yes, of course. I love shooting with friends. I was super excited to see her, it has been way too long. Not only was it a blast shooting with Kristen, Jenna and Michael were a wonderful couple to photograph, easy going and full of love. Here are a couple of shots from that day and don't forget to check out Kristen's website.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Elizabeth and Christian

So a few weeks ago, Jennifer with O'Grace Photography put a notice out that she needed a second shooter for a wedding that weekend. I figured if I needed a second shooter that quick, I would hope a photographer that was available would speak up, so I did. This is the first time that I have been a second shooter since I opened up my business, it was a lot of fun! I also got to meet a couple of great photographers. Thanks Joy and Mandy for letting me tag along. Here are a couple of shots from Brophy Chapel.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Babies are Three!!

It doesn't seem that long ago that I found these little guys, now they are three. The good news is that they should no longer be growing. :) In December of 2005, I was visiting some friends in Flagstaff and the day that I was going to come back down to Phoenix was the day I met my babies. Two of my friends worked for the Humane Society in Flagstaff and I would drive there and we would go to lunch before I left town. That Monday was the day that a litter of 12 puppies was dropped off. I first saw Koa in the lobby before we went to lunch, thought he was sooooo cute! I handed him back right away, knowing that I would bring him home if I didn't. After we got back from lunch, Katie and I took a walk around to look at all of the dogs. When we got to the kennel that Koa was in, we stopped and played a little with him. Then Katie picked up little Bear and put him in my arms, Bear was about the size of my hand, he just looked up at me and gave me a kiss on the chin, that did it. The only thing the Humane Society knew was that the mom was a lab. I was expecting medium to large dogs. I now have a large and a very giant dog! : )

This one here is Koa, he is my aggressive protector. Really he is just a lovable dog, but he is on constant protect mode and looks really scary when he snarls.

Here is our little Bear. This is his way of saying, put the camera down! He is our aggressive lover. He will knock you down, just to give you kisses : )

This picture is just to give you an idea of how big he is, what I should have is a yardstick sitting next to him so you can really see. To give you an idea, I have a counter height table and he can see everything that is on the table.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Burrowing Owls

So I had a friend call and let me know that she saw some owls by her house and that I needed to come take some pictures.  Everyone had told her they were screech owls, but it turned out that they are the endangered burrowing owl.  There were two different owls where she took me.  The smaller one was a little shy.  He is the one in the first picture.  In this picture he is peeping out of the hole at me.  I was able to get one shot off before he hid back down in the hole.  The other owl just sat and posed for me the whole time.  After I got a few shots, we went around to the other side of the canal and they were both sitting together. This time the smaller one posed perfectly for me almost the whole time and the bigger one was the one continually looking around.  I guess the smaller one was finally okay with me. These guys stood about 7-10 inches tall.  They are not very big, but just the cutest guys ever.


So this blog is a little late going up.  I took these pictures last weekend.  I had just got back from picking up some eggs at Tonopah Rob's and while I was there we talked about how the bee population is going down.  Which is not good for him, since he needs them to help with growing his vegetables.  For those of you in the Phoenix area, you should check out Tonopah Rob's website.  He has the best vegetables around.  Anyway, when I got back home, I went over to my sage bush right by my driveway and saw about 7 or 8 bees flying around in and out of flowers.  They looked like kids in a candy store.  They would pop their bodies in one flower crawl back out and then into the next one within a couple of seconds. I hope when these lovely bees left my sage bush they took a journey on over to Rob's.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So my Mom and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and plant some plants that we have had for a couple of months. We went from summer to fall in one day, it was so great. The last bush that we had to plant was a butterfly bush. It was the next in line to be planted when I noticed a tiny little butterfly on it. Imagine that, a butterfly on a butterfly bush. Anyway, this little guy was a little smaller than the size of a dime, but had beautiful markings. So I decided we were going to take a break from planting. Here are a few shots of the little guy.

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